Source code for normal_forms.normal_form

import sympy
import numpy as np
import lie_operator
import jet
import bases
import combinatorics

[docs]class normal_form(object): """A normal form of an autonomous vector field :math:`f:\\mathbb{R}^n\\rightarrow\\mathbb{R}^m`. Arguments --------- f : callable function that accepts ``n`` arguments and returns tuple of length ``m`` numbers, corresponding to mathematical function :math:`f:\\mathbb{R}^n\\rightarrow\\mathbb{R}^m` x : number if ``n==1`` or tuple of length ``n`` if ``n>=1`` center about which normal form is computed k : int maximum degree of normal form Attributes ---------- n : int dimension of domain of :math:`f` m : int dimension of codomain of :math:`f` jet : ``normal_forms.jet.jet`` series representation of normal form L1 : ``normal_forms.lie_operator.lie_operator`` fundamental operator of the normal form, Lie bracket with the linear term :math:`f_1(x)=f'(x)x`, that is :math:`L_{f_1}(\cdot) = [f_1,\cdot]`, see ``normal_forms.lie_operator.lie_operator`` g : list of ``k-1`` ``sympy.Matrix(m,1)`` objects generators, i.e. homogenous :math:`j^{th}` degree :math:`m`-dimensional polynomial vector fields :math:`g_j` for :math:`j\geq2` used to carry out sequence of near-identity transformations :math:`e^{L_{g_j}}` of :math:`f` L : ``normal_forms.lie_operator.lie_operator`` Lie operators :math:`L_{g_j}` of the generators in ``g``, see ``normal_forms.lie_operator.lie_operator`` eqv : list of shape ``(k-1,2,.,.)`` coefficients and ``sympy.Matrix(m,1)`` object representation of normal form equivariant vector fields fun : sympy.Matrix(m,1) object symbolic representation of normal form """ def __init__(self, f, x, k, f_args=None): self.f = f self.x = x self.k = k if np.array(x).shape == (): n, x = 1, [x] else: n = len(x) # call to f if f_args is None: f_eval = f(*x) else: f_eval = f(*(list(x) + list(f_args))) if np.array(f_eval).shape == (): m = 1 else: # call to f m = len(f_eval) self.m = m self.n = n # list of symbolic variables var = sympy.symarray('x', (n, )) # polynomial basis pb = bases.poly_basis(var) # vector basis vb = bases.vf_basis(pb, m) # k-jet of f centered at x # call to f self.jet = jet.jet(f, x, k, f_args, var, pb) # fundamental operator of normal form theory, Lie bracket with f' self.L1 = lie_operator.lie_operator(self.jet.fun_deg[1], var, 1, pb, vb) # work space of coefficients n_terms = combinatorics.simplicial_list(n, k) wrk = [[np.zeros(m * n_terms[i + j + 1]) for j in range(k - i)] for i in range(k)] # initialize first row of workspace as k-jet for j in range(k): wrk[0][j] = np.concatenate(self.jet.coeff[j + 1]) # generators g = [] # Lie brackets with generators L = [] # equivariant vector fields eqv = [] # list of factorials fac = combinatorics.factorial_list(k) # algorithm based on Murdock for deg in range(2, k + 1): # update workspace and solve for generator for j, l in enumerate(L): wrk[1][deg - 2] += l[deg - 1 - j].dot(wrk[0][deg - 2 - j]) f_coeff = np.zeros(m * n_terms[deg]) for i in range(deg): f_coeff += wrk[i][deg - 1 - i] / fac[i] g_coeff = np.linalg.lstsq(self.L1[deg], f_coeff)[0] # normal form coefficients h_coeff = f_coeff - self.L1[deg].dot(g_coeff) # represent normal form term in L1.T nullspace basis u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(self.L1[deg]) rank = min(self.L1[deg].shape) - np.isclose(s, 0).sum() perp_basis = u[:, rank:] e_coeff = perp_basis.T.conj().dot(h_coeff) e = [ sympy.Matrix(perp_basis[:, i].reshape( m, perp_basis[:, i].shape[0] / m)) * pb[deg] for i in range(perp_basis.shape[1]) ] # truncate roundoff error for coeff in [e_coeff, f_coeff, g_coeff, h_coeff]: coeff[np.isclose(coeff, 0)] = 0 # store generator g.append( sympy.Matrix(np.reshape(g_coeff, (m, len(g_coeff) / m))) * pb[deg]) # update series coeff self.jet.coeff[deg] = np.reshape(h_coeff, (m, len(h_coeff) / m)) # store equivariant vector fields eqv.append((e_coeff, e)) # store Lie operator L.append(lie_operator.lie_operator(g[-1], var, deg, pb, vb)) # update workspace wrk[1][deg - 2] += L[-1][1].dot(wrk[0][0]) for i in range(2, k - deg + 2): for j, l in enumerate(L): wrk[i][deg - 2] += l[deg - 2 + i - j].dot(wrk[i - 1][deg - 2 - j]) self.L = L self.g = g self.eqv = eqv # update series symbolic and lambdified representation self.jet.update_fun() # make accessible from this class = def __call__(self, *args): """Evaluate the normal form.""" return self.jet.fun_lambdified(*args) def __getitem__(self, deg): """Return symbolic representation of ``deg``th degree normal form term.""" return self.jet[deg]